Thursday, November 13, 2008


I should be relief right now since the exam has finish...but for the last paper yesterday, it was very hard.
None ofthe question I've expected to come out.. and to make it worse, the lecturer only sent the notes to us saying that the exam will cover only 3 chapter..while aku dengan rajinnya dah cover sume chapter.. rasa nya total 9 of them kot..
If only he could announce it earlier, at least I can fully concentrate on that part only.
But the truth is... its really hard... Now everybody was praying that he would be not so straight when marking our paper..

By the way, it rains heavily yesterday. All the roads in JB is jammed. I only reached home at 6.45 while my sister have to go through jammed from 6 to 7.30 p.m..

Now in JB everyday is raining... and I think now we have to be prepared for a flood..

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