Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Missing person

Yesterday, at the office, one of the remisier report of her missing daughter..
She was 29 years old having a acute depression and walk with limb..
Everybody in the office is trying very hard to search for her.. they went to the shopping centre, danga bay..
But until today, she's nowhere to be found...
They already lodge a report to the police.. but u know.. the police in Malaysia.. never bother about this case.. until someone is die or it involve a special person (V**)

I feel very sad for her.. and for her parents.. may Allah grant them strength and patience.. in this hard time..



zahira said...

kesiannya...hopefully dpt jumpa balik budak tuh..

fifi said...

ja - tulah kesian.. smlm aku gi gak shopping centre bg flyer... nak harapkan polis.. hampeh.. smpi skg tak jumpa lagi.. budaknya mcm depress n sgt slow..